reindeer how to draw

reindeer how to draw

Reindeer are magical creatures that are often associated with the holiday season. If you want to draw a majestic reindeer, follow this step-by-step guide for a beautiful result.

1. Gather your materials
Gather all the materials you will need to draw a reindeer, such as paper, a pencil, an eraser, and colored pencils or markers.

2. Start with the head
Begin by drawing the head of the reindeer. Start with a round shape for the head and add two curved lines for the antlers.

3. Add the body
Next, add the body of the reindeer by drawing a large oval shape underneath the head.

4. Draw the legs
Draw four legs coming from the bottom of the body. The reindeer’s legs should be long and slender.

5. Add details
Add details to the reindeer, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Draw a small oval for the eye, a rounded shape for the nose, and a small line for the mouth.

6. Add the antlers
Add detail to the antlers by drawing small branches coming off of the main curved lines.

7. Add fur
Add fur to the reindeer by drawing small, curved lines all over its body. This will give the reindeer a furry texture.

8. Color your reindeer
Finally, color in your reindeer using colored pencils or markers. Use shades of brown for the body and antlers, and black for the eyes and nose.

9. Add a background
To make your reindeer even more majestic, add a snowy background or a winter scene behind it.

Drawing a majestic reindeer is a fun and creative way to get into the holiday spirit. Follow these steps and you’ll have a beautiful drawing to show off to your friends and family.