how many reindeer in finland

how many reindeer in finland

Finland is home to a surprisingly large number of reindeer, with an estimated population of over 200,000.

Reindeer herding is a centuries-old tradition in Finland, with many indigenous Sami people relying on the animals for their livelihood.

The reindeer roam freely in the forests of northern Finland, feeding on lichen, moss, and grasses.

During the winter months, when food is scarce, the reindeer are fed by their herders to ensure their survival.

The Finnish government closely monitors the reindeer population to prevent overgrazing and ensure the herd’s health.

Tourists visiting Finland can often spot reindeer wandering along the roadsides or grazing in the fields.

In December, when the days are short and the nights are long, the sight of reindeer pulling sleighs through the snow is a common and enchanting sight.

Overall, the reindeer population in Finland is thriving, thanks to careful management and preservation efforts.